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In Just 4 Weeks (or less...) You Will Create AND SELL Your Own $27 Info-Product -- Or I'll Buy It From You Myself...
Announcing Produce Promote 3.0
Step-By-Step Home Study Course
until now, there have been obstacles standing in the way of your being able to easily create your own info products
today it ends
Become a Producer and Promoter
Today it ends.
Today is the day you STOP spending all your money on products that produce poor or no results.
Today is the day you STOP spending all your money on the newest, latest "bright and shiny object" that one year from now will be out-of-date, broken and obsolete.
there are 3 reasons why i've decided to launch produce promote 3.0 for you
Reason One: A LOT of stuff has changed since Produce Promote 2.0.
Back then, most people hadn't even heard of Zoom! Covid19 didn't exist. People binge-watched webinars. Wordpress Gutenberg didn't exist. And "Google Core Vitals" wasn't "thing."
It's time I update you on the current best way to create a $27 info product. Give you the latest scoop on what's working for $27 sales pages. And get you up to speed on what you need to know about video right now to the minute.
Reason Two: For 7+ years, more or less, I lived what I call the 30-minute workday.
Here's a joke I tell my friends with a bit of truth in it: I read that book the Four Hour Work Week. It's really good. Only thing is, I realized that if I applied it, I'd have to work another 3 hours a week!
Really, most days I had about 30 minutes or sometimes an hour of "real work" to do. Everything else happened like clockwork. I see a lot of marketers now claiming to have been in this business since 1996, or 1998.
Which is fine. The thing I have that other marketers don't during all those years is a record of sales of $20,000, $30,000, $40,000 and $50,000 a month, month after month, year after year beginning in 1998, and significant online sales before that.
I wasn't "on the internet.” I was SELLING on the Internet. And that's a huge difference. And not only that, I lived the lifestyle working from home for most of that time. I didn't get an office until a few years ago and even now, I've gone back to my "virtual" office.
I have lived the 30-minute workday for many years and created dozens of systems over that time period.
Reason Three: I've done more things right and also made more mistakes than most
You often don't learn until you make mistakes. So I've been on both sides of the coin. I've done more things right than most and made more mistakes more than most.
So I know what to do and what not to do.
There is unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, unconscious comptence and conscious competence.
Today is the day you go from unconscious incompetence to conscious competence.
And it starts here. It starts with becoming a producer and a promoter of products. It starts with finding the Creator inside of you and STOP making excuses for why it can't be done and start finding reasons it CAN be done.
That's a change between your two ears.
And that's a change that has to happen. There are those non-producers who find an endless stream of reasons it can't be done, why it's not the right time, day or month, reasons it won't work for them.
And there are producers who simply decide to get it done and find reasons they CAN make it work.
Are you going to spend the rest of your life as a consumer or a producer? Today is the day you find out the answer to that question.
Here's What I Can Do... And Hopefully You Can As Well!
Here are the results of just a few of my promotions. Without big, complex produch launches, without begging my friends to email for me, without whoring out my list to JV offers, without promoting junk I don't believe in, without compromising my morals and ethics, I've made:
* $40,430.42 in 3 days
* $23,997.73 in 2 days
* $19,233.95 in 1 day
Keep in mind, these numbers are NOT indicative of average results. You may do better or you may not ever do numbers like these. I don't know you, so I can't predict what you'll do.
While I've had huge hits, I've also had a lot of $5,000, $7,000, $15,000 launches.
I CAN tell you I'll not only reveal the secrets of producing and promoting products but I'll guide you step-by-step and hold you accountable for doing it.
You Get Over-The-Shoulder, Step-By-Step Instructions Where I "Break It Down" For You
During the 4 weeks of the Produce and Promote course I'll show you step-by-step instructions exactly what you need to do and show you how to do it.
Here's how it works: You get instant access to my Produce Promote home study course, checklists, modules, challenges, FB group and bonuses.
You're free to learn and implement at your own pace.

Now, these sessions have the benefits of a seminar, except you attend over the Internet instead of in person, so you save the hotel, airfare and hassle.
These sessions were conducted using ZOOM so you can actually SEE me breaking stuff down real time via video cam and interact JUST LIKE you were right in my office sitting in a chair right in front of me.
This is FAR BEYOND a webinar. I included step-by-step slides, interaction, checklists, challenges, FB community and more.
You get it ALL. You'll see my computer screen or virutal whiteboard, see my video and hear my voice and get answers to your questions via the group and email support, so you don't have to hunt me down in the hall on breaks.
The reason I'm using the Zoom webinar format is my customers get the best results with it. For this class, an ebook just won't do it. I needto be able to ask you questions and make SURE you're on the right track.
And not only that, I wanted to build a level of accountability you can't get elsewhere. Finally, the webinar lets me SHOW YOU the systems. You just can't do this on a teleseminar or other methods.
There are two BIG benefits of my webinar format:
BENEFIT #1: The classes are provided to you in audio AND on video, so you get to watch it at your leisure, zeroing in specifically on any parts that you want to review.
What's more, you can snag the audio, stick it on your phone and listen to it while walking, working, jogging, or running errands.
BENEFIT #2: Here's the best part:
You'll get access to the entire home study course, so you can reference it time and time again.
Here Are Four Good Reasons To Say Yes
To Your New and Very Exciting Future
As a Prdoucer and Promoter of Products
1. You will create your very first system that you can conduct yourself or outsource immediately
You'll do this just by following the weekly challenges. So this is NOT just some thing where you get all excited and end up with no result.
You WILL create a product and get results – guaranteed, as long as you follow my simple step-by-step system.
2. You will have accountability for results
You'll be expected to create a product and promote it, so you're actually DOING and getting results in 4 weeks, not just learning tons. You'll report on your results and daily accountability in the group.
3. You will get feedback on your systems.
I'm devoting week 4 just to giving feedback on the product and promotions the members create.
4. You'll have access to a private site where I post extra content and videos.
You'll get extra videos, templates and example step-by-step processes.
check out what you'll get Module-By-Module

Module#1: How to Get Highly Profitable Ideas
For Your $27 Products -- And Overcome All
The Reasons People Think They Can't Do It
Module #2: How to Create Your Own Product In 90 Minutes That Will Sell For $27, If Not More
Module #3: How to Create Your Sales Page For Your $27 Product
Module #4: Traffic Methods That Actually Work In 2021
In Addition To The Four Modules of Training,
You Also Get Two Amazing Bonuses

BONUS ONE: I will give you a research report on your niche or topic, or potential topics
BONUS TWO: Secrets of Selling Your First 10 Products And Potentially Pay For Your Old School Training
You're probably wondering, "Marlon, if I DO love your Produce Promote event, how much do I pay. So I built a "cost eraser" for you.

Take module one of the Secrets of Becoming a Producer and Promoter of Products, NOT just a consumer. You will get live, interactive training.
YOUR price is only $499 (see price below) today. That's MORE than half off the regular price of the course!
You can erase the cost by doing any of these 4 things:
1. You will create your own $27 product and promote it by following the challenges at the end of each Module.
That gives you chance #1 to self liquidate the event fee and erase the cost.
2. You'll discover how to save at least $500 on stuff you'd likely waste or spend money on.
From hosting to software to training to ebooks. I'll reveal how to save money, what to spend money on and what to dump.
3. You get 75% commissions when you sell the final, recorded version of the event.
There is NOT a purchase requirement to make 75% commissions but there is a sales requirement of 4 sales. But this is waived for all buyers.
Just 2 sales and you've made paid for the event. This is my cost ERASER for you..
4. You'll find out how to save a fortune on video bandwidth.
I'll show you the secret insiders use to save a small fortune on hosting fees.
This is NOT For Everyone
Listen, if you're broke and desperate, if you've spent thousands and not made anything, if you can't do basic stuff on the computer or if you're powerless and feel you need someone else to make it happen for you, this is NOT for you.
I don't want "blood money."
I don't want you to go in debt to buy this.
I don't want to take food off your table.
I don't want to take new clothes away from your kids.
I don't need your money.
I don't want you to borrow on your life insurance policy or spend your Social Security money nor steal from your retirment savings.
This is for able, capable people who have some basic computer skills, the ability, desire and willingness to learn and who are proactive in life.
30 Days Email Consultation
When you go ahead and let the charge run through the day AFTER the event (you can cancel before then), you'll qualify for 30 days of email consultations. Just post your questions directly related to the Internet Marketing Fantasies Fulfilled training at, and I'll answer them.
This way, if you have one of those nagging questions that stops you from getting started, you can get it taken care of.
If you don't love it, you don't pay
Go through Module one of the Home Study Course. In the unlikely event, you don't feel (in your opinion) that you will get10x the value, just follow post your refund request here anytime within 7 days. Your money will be refunded within 72 hours.
Invite your spouse and kids at no additional cost
Maybe your spouse, son or daughter could use Produce Promote. You're welcome to have them view the Modules right along side with you.
You really can't lose. You pay me NOTHING unless you agree it was 100% worth the price and much more!
Get registered right now.
I'm making this the most practical, implementable, doable training I've EVER done!
My goal is to get you RESULTS.
Best wishes,